Love Wagon with SparkleBerry Adhesive Vinyl

Love Wagon with SparkleBerry Adhesive Vinyl

4 minute read

This Love Wagon screams to be decorated with our SparkleBerry Adhesive Vinyl! It's such a fun decor project and, as always, you can swap it out for the seasons!

Love Wagon with SparkleBerry Adhesive Vinyl using our Vinyl Craft Kit.

Here is what you'll need:

Step 1: Decorating the pieces

First, let's get our pieces decorated before putting everything together. I recommend starting with the spray painting part day in advance so it has time to dry. I chose a White spray paint made by Krylon which is great for metal! Make sure you do this in a well ventilated area!

Tip: Our tins are black, but who says your wheels have to stay that color? Feel free to mix things up and use any color spray paint that you like. 

While your spray paint is drying, it is time to decorate the brownie pan with our SparkleBerry Adhesive Vinyl. You have several options here (we love options!). You can decorate just the outside pieces of your wagon by measuring the side walls of the brownie pan or you can decorate the main area's bottom portion. You can also decorate all of it or none of it! Add as much or as little vinyl as you like. 

Step 2: Assembly time- The wheels

Now that everything is looking pretty, it is time to put it all together. We will start off by creating the wheels. Since it can be hard to adhere metal to metal using glue, we will create the wheels by gluing our popsicle sticks to the metal tins using E6000 and hot glue. Just like the axle of a car, glue one popsicle stick to two tins (one on each end). You can glue it at the top since the wheels do not have to be functional. Let this dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Step 3: Assembly time- The cart

Next it is time to put together the cart. We will use the spatula as our handle and glue the flat part of the spatula to the underside of the brownie pan. We will be using Hot glue AND E6000 glue. Make sure to hold the pieces together as the glue sets.

Once your spatula is adhered, it is time to glue the wagon to its wheels. For that, we recommend turning the wagon/brownie pan upside down and sitting it on the edge of a table so the spatula handle can hang over. (Be sure to allow enough time for your spatula to set before putting too much pressure on the handle once you flip it over.)

Next, apply the popsicle sticks to the pan where you would like your wheels to be (about 1/4 of the way from each end of the long side is what we found works best but you don't have to be accurate). You can glue the popsicle stick to the brownie pan using your E6000 and hot glue.

Step 4: Admire and decorate

There you have your finished wagon! Time to display it somewhere! We would love to see how you use it in your home! Will you fill it with plants? Candy? Or is it going to be part of your coffee station? Share your pictures with us on social media!

We will be assembling and decorating our Love Wagon on Facebook Live on January 7, 2022. The replay will be available after the live! Find it here: SparkleBerry INK's Facebook Page

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